After Death: What to Do When Someone Dies

When someone dies, the responsibilities can be overwhelming when combined with the grief and sometimes shock that accompanies their passing. Use our guide below to help structure your next steps.

Who to Call First

It really depends on how and where the death occurred. Where a death has been anticipated, call your attending physician.

If the death is unexpected, call emergency services first. If there are no emergency services or doctor available in your area, or you are concerned or uncertain about the circumstances surrounding a death, contact your local coroner’s office or the Office of the Chief Coroner.

The other first calls you should make include:

1. The funeral home
2. Immediate family members
3. Employers
4. Your Pastor
5. Your close friends

When you think about it, these calls are being made for two distinct reasons:

Naturally the first of those reasons takes priority, because it is your responsibility to care for your loved one. In fact, we think of this as one of the final acts of love that you can take. Placing their body in the care of professionals can be a relief, and will give you the space to make those calls involved in the second category of outreach: the purely social notifications that will surround you with support.

The death of a loved one can make us feel numb and ineffective. If this is the case for you, and you'd like additional advice about who to call, and when, reach out to us. We’ll be pleased to be your ally during this difficult time.

How to Tell Family Members

When the death is unexpected, the news will surely have been a shock to you – so you need to expect that reaction in those you tell. Even when the death is expected, as in a long illness, or when a loved one is in hospice care, the news may be difficult to deliver.

Before you go any further, the overriding question to ask, no matter the situation, is this one:

What Do You Want this Experience to be Like for Your Family?

Think about it. This will be a time in their life they will always remember. Just how do you want them to look back on it?  

We’re confident you’d say you want them to remember it as a time of loving compassion; where the news of their loved one’s death was delivered with kindness and understanding. And that takes forethought. One aspect of thinking ahead includes avoiding the Internet channels of communication during the first hours after a loved one dies.

You want to be very careful that this information is not broadcasted through Facebook or Twitter (or any other social media site), or via Instant Messaging, before you’ve had the opportunity to connect with family members personally.

Stop, Think…and then Speak

You know your family members, and chances are you can predict how each one of them needs to be cared for during this difficult time. Our best advice is that you walk into this situation with your “eyes wide open”, and set the stage accordingly.

Should you call them in the middle of the night, or while they are at work, or school? Only you know the answer. But, when you tell them is an important consideration, and your family member deserves your clearest thinking on the matter of when you tell them the news.

Then, you need to think about how you will break the news. It’s preferable to deliver such news in person, but if that’s not possible, a phone call will have to do. In either case, we have some valuable suggestions:

After the call is made, or the news shared in person, keep the lines of communication open. And in the days to come, help your family member (to the best of your ability, considering your own grief) work through these emotions by encouraging them and reassuring them. Naturally, family members should support one another; so don’t neglect to turn to them for support as well.

Death, no matter the circumstance, is hard for us to handle. Keep in mind that the best thing that you can do for anyone when informing them of a death is to deliver the news thoughtfully. Let them know that you are there for them and that you love them. That too is an essential truth they need to know.